Mix and Measure Colors
(Appropriate for K-grad school)
Corresponding absorbance spectra of mixed colors from the Science Matters event for girls at Dutchess Community College can be viewed here.
Materials: Ocean Optics or Vernier spectrometers: absorption ad or reflection spectrometers, computer, water colors and paper.
I. Mix Colors
Get 3 cups, paper, and 3 brushes with your lab partner. Fill your cups ¼ full with water. Pick 2 colors to paint with. Pair up each brush with one color and one cup. Use your third brush and cup set to mix the two colors you picked.
II. Paint a Picture
Paint a picture with your 3 colors (2 colors that you picked and the 3rd color is the mix of the 2 colors).
III. Absorbance Spectra and Reflection Spectra
Take your 3 cups to investigate check out what colors your mixtures absorb.
(a) Go to the filling station and fill the colored liquid from your 3 cups into 3 cuvettes using pipettes. Close the cuvettes.
(b) Put an absorbance spectrum of your choice on the Internet to view from home and share with friends and family.
(c) Take your painted picture to view the reflection spectrum of your colors. Write the peak wavelengths of your three colors on your painting. How do those spectra compare to the absorbance spectra? Are there any invisible colors on your painting?
Most importantly, have fun!