Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Delaware State University Talk and Modern Teaching

Don't let the Benchbugs bite...iPhysics, Click and Clack, Wake me AP
Assistant Professor Jenny Magnes
Physics & Astronomy Department
Vassar College

11:00 A.M. – 11:50 A.M. — Thursday, March 11, 2010
MLK Student Center Meeting room A

I am giving a talk on modern teaching techniques at DESU. 
"What I didn't learn in graduate school:  How do I keep my students from snoozing off during the lecture? What are 'peer instruction', 'ev'ry day physics', and 'physics workshop'? How do I use media that today's students embrace? What are 'personal response systems' and how do I use them effectively? How do I create a classroom community and what for? What is AP credit? Dive into the world of modern teaching techniques during this seminar."